Berlin: L'Aiglon

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Berlin
City: Berlin
Location: Wedding, Kurt-Schumacher-Damm 121

Cinema, built 1953-1954 by Hans Wolff-Grohmann for the French military government as part of the Quartier Napoléon (later Julius-Leber-Kaserne). Closed 1993. Used as a guesthouse since the 2010s.

Links: KinoWiki, CinemaTreasures, Wikidata

Berlin: L'Aiglon Front Text: sign: "L'Aiglon"
Reverse Text: "Berlin-Reinickendorf, Le Cinema l'Aiglon"
Handwritten Reverse Text: written in French; dated 1957
Publisher: ?; Nr. 15
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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