Augsburg: Marionettentheater im Stadtgarten

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Bayern
City: Augsburg
Location: Stadtgarten

Wooden building, built 1896 as a café ("Caféhaus" or "Kaffeehäuschen") for the "Schwäbische Kreisausstellung" exhibition. 1924 converted into a puppet theatre by Thomas Wechs. Destroyed or demolished.

Link: Wikidata

Augsburg: Marionettentheater im Stadtgarten Front Text: "Augsburg, Marionettentheater im Stadtgarten"
Publisher: Foto-Kunst-Anstalt H. Delion, Augsburg
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Augsburg to Löpsingen, 1931

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