Amberg: Stadttheater

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Bayern
City: Amberg
Location: Schrannenplatz 8

Built c. 1460 as Franciscan Church, rebuilt in the 17th century. 1803 conversion to a theatre. Opened 12 Oct 1803 as "Adeliges Gesellschaftstheater" with the play "Die Dienstpflicht". 1872 acquired by the city of Amberg. 1953 closed due to lacking fire safety. 1975-1978 major rebuilding, reversing auditorium and stage spaces, reusing the original auditorium balconies. Installation of a foyer in the former church choir. Re-opened 12 Oct 1978 with Mozart's "Don Giovanni". 2008-2010 major technical renovation. 600 seats.

Used for guest peformances by touring companies and orchestras.

Links:, Wikipedia

Aschaffenburg: Stadttheater Front Text: "Ehem. Franziskanerkirche erbaut 1452. Als Theater umgebaut 1803. Den 12 Okt. eröffnet am Namensfeste Ssr. Kgl. Mayest. des Churfürsten Max Joseph. Drama: Die Dienstpflicht. aufgeführt zum Besten der Armen Einnahe 156 Gulden 24 Kreuzer"
Publisher: Verlag Carl Mayr, Buchhandlung, Amberg
Type: modern postcard reproduction of an older image
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Aschaffenburg: Stadttheater Picture: middle above and below: Stadttheater after the 1970 re-opening
Front Text: "Amberg/Opf.; Nabburger Tor, Stadttheater, St. Martin m. Schiffbrücke, Stadtbrille, Stadttheater, Henkerbergl"
Publisher: Cramers Kunstanstalt, Dortmund; Ab 507 80/6
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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