Montélimar: Théâtre Émile-Loubet

Country: France
Region: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Rhône-Alpes)
Department: Drôme
City: Montélimar
Location: 1, place du Théâtre / boulevard Charles-de-Gaulle

Built by Adam Niewarowicz. Opened 1 Feb 1885 as "Théâtre Municipal". 250 seats. Closed 2006 due to safety reasons. Renovated until 2021. Re-opened 9 Nov 2021 as "Théâtre communautaire Émile-Loubet", named after the French president, Émile Loubet (1838-1929).

Links:, Wikidata

Montelimar: Theatre Emile-Loubet Front Text: "Théâtre", "Montélimar, le ..."
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Montelimar: Theatre Emile-Loubet Front Text: "Montélimar - Théâtre 1881-1882"
Publisher: Nouvelles Galeries, Montélimar
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Montelimar: Theatre Emile-Loubet Front Text: "Montélimar - Le Théâtre et le nouveau Square"
Publisher: Librairie F. Baume, Montélimar
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Montélimar to Saint-Malo, 1915

Montelimar: Theatre Emile-Loubet Front Text: "Montélimar (Drôme) - Le Théâtre"
Publisher: ?; 62
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Montélimar to Champagny, 1937

Montelimar: Theatre Emile-Loubet Front Text: "Montélimar, Le Théâtre"
Publisher: Cie des Arts Photomécaniques, Paris-Strasbourg; 66
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Montelimar: Theatre Emile-Loubet Front Text: "Montélimar, "Place duThéâtre"
Reverse Text: "Montélimar (Drôme) - Place du Théâtre"
Publisher: EDitions Cellard, Bron; 1997
Size: Modern
Sent: from Châteauneuf-du-Rhône to Paris, 1997

Montelimar: Theatre Emile-Loubet Front Text: "Montélimar", inscription: "Théâtre municipal"
Reverse Text: "Images de France ... Drôme - Montélimar - Théâtre municipal"
Publisher: Editions Flash'Cartes, Grenoble
Size: Modern
Sent: to Saint-Nazaire, 2004

Montelimar: Theatre Emile-Loubet Front Text: "Montélimar", inscription: "Théâtre municipal"
Reverse Text: "Montélimar (Drôme), Le théâtre de nuit"
Publisher: Editions Combier, Mâcon; 2619800037
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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