Feyzin: Centre culturel Léonard de Vinci

Country: France
Region: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Rhône-Alpes)
Department: Métropole de Lyon
City: Feyzin
Location: place René-Lescot

Cultural centre, opened 25 June 1982. Named in honour of the Italian artist and polymath, Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). Used by the association "L'Épicerie Moderne".

Links: www.epiceriemoderne.com, Wikidata

Feyzin: Centre culturel Leonard de Vinci Front Text: "Centre culturel Léopnard de Vinci", "Centre Culturel Feyzin"
Reverse Text: "Centre Culturel / cercle philatélique"
Size: Modern
Not sent.
Detail (commemorative postmark, 25-26 June 1982):
Feyzin: Centre culturel Leonard de Vinci

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/6895