Touring circus companies and funfair theatres

City: [touring]

Various touring circus companies and fairground theatres ("théatres forains") in France and other European countries.

See also: temporary circus venues in Paris; German circus companies; German funfairs

théâtre forain Publisher: Grands Magasins du Musée de Cluny; Testu & Massin, Paris
Type: Collectible Card
Size: 9.5 x 6.9 cm

charlatan Picture: quack (charlatan, snake oil salesman) with drummer
Front Text: on poster: "Elixir mirifique !!! guérit les cors [...] rage de dents[...] migraines"
Publisher: B. Sirven, Imp.-Édit., Toulouse-Paris
Type: Collectible Card
Size: 6.6 x 10.0 cm

Circus audiences Reverse Text: "Frederick Arthur Bridgman (1847-1928), Un Cirque En Province (The American Circus in France). Olieverf Op Doek"
Publisher: Art Unlimited, Amsterdam; A 14987
Type: 21st-century postcard reproduction of a 1869/1870 painting
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Grand Cirque Olympique Front Text: sign: "G.des Personnes 15F; Militaires / Enfants 10F"
Reverse Text: advertisement for the fashion store Au Grand Condé, 85,87 rue de Seine, 121, boulevard Saint-Germain
Publisher: Au Grand Condé, Paris; Courbe-Bonzet, imp. à Dole, Paris
Type: calendar for January-June 1881
Size: 15.0 x 11.5 cm

Grand Cirque Olympique Front Text: inscription: "Grand Cirque Olympique"
Publisher: M. D. Editeur, Paris
Type: chromo, possibly from a game box (not a postcard)
Size: 18 x 12 cm

Audiences Collectible Card
Text: "7h soir Un parterre mon bourgeois"
Type: Blank Back
Size: 6.4 x 4.6 cm

théâtre forain Type: Collectible Card; Blank Back
Size: 10.4 x 7.3 cm

théâtre forain Publisher: Lefèvre-Utile; LU Petit Beurre, Nantes
Type: Collectible Card
Size: 10.6 x 7.5 cm

théâtre forain Front Text: "La Voiture de l'Italienne", sign on theatre: "Drame en 5 actes"
Publisher: Chocolat Méxicain, Chocolat Masson, 91, Rue de Rivoli, [Paris]
Type: Collectible Card
Size: 6.5 x 10.0 cm

Seurat: Parade de cirque Reverse Text: " Georges Seurat (1859-1891), Parade de cirque, 1887-1888. Huile sur toile. 1,00 x 1,50 m. Legs Stephen C. Clark, 1960. Inv. no 61.101.17 New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Photo du musée", "Exposition Seurat, Grand Palais, Paris 1991"
Type: 1991 postcard reproduction of an 1880s painting
Size: Modern
Not sent.

touring circus/fair theatre Front Text: inscription: "Grand Théâtre Européen - aujourd'hui Jeudi - Marceau"
Type: Collecticle Card; Blank Back
Size: 10.7 x 6.8 cm

théâtre forainthéâtre forain Publisher: Chocolat Guérin-Boutron; 72 dessins transparents à voir à la lumiére
Type: Collectible Card; Hold-to-Light-Card
Size: 7.0 x 10.1 cm

touring circus Picture: circus tents
Handwritten Reverse Text: mentioning Uzès/Gard
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

a circus in Dourdan Picture: circus (?) tent in Dourdan, Essonne, Île-de-France
Front Text: "Dourdan. - La Mairie"
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from the Paris-Tours train to Le Pecq, 1901
a circus in Dourdan

La Serpentinette La Pie Nageant Front Text: "- Entrez. Entrez - c'est 10 centimes par place - Que donc qui fait voir dans sa baraque c't'y-la - Y fait voir des philomènes. Y dit qu'il a la pie nageant", inscription: "La Serpentinette La Pie Nageant", signed: E. Landry
Reverse Text: ""
Publisher: ?;No. 7
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Fête foraine Picture: circus orchestra
Front Text: "Fête foraine - La Musique du Dompteur"
Type: Divided Back
Size: 13.5 x 6.8 cm
Not sent.

Fête foraine Picture: strength athletes at a French funfair
Front Text: "Fête foraine. - La parade"
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Paris to Arthieul, 1906

Fête foraine Picture: French funfair
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Au village. - Devant le cirque Front Text: "Au village. - Devant le cirque. - Hem !!... éto d'mage que l'can'çon n'vinghe pas à crever tout d'un cot !!!..."
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Circus Pinder Front Text: "Pinder", "Ses 3 arènes et sa piste hippodrome"
Reverse Text: "Réclame, Cirque Pinder, Ses 3 arènes et sa piste hippodrome, par A. Magne, Collection privé"
Publisher: Centenaire Editions
Type: late 20th-century (?) repro postcard of an early 20th-century poster
Size: Modern
Not sent.

French funfair Picture: left: Guignol theatre at a French or Belgian fairground
Publisher: F. N.; No. 13
Type: Blank Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Circus Pinder Picture: painting by Floréal Otero (1932-2013)
Front Text: "L'entrée du cirque - 1954", "Floréal Otero. Bordeaux d'une rive à l'autre"
Reverse Text: about the artist Floréal Otero
Publisher: Ressources Saison Culturelle de Bordeaux 2021
Type: not designed for postal use
Size: Modern
Not sent.

French funfair Picture: background: theatre at a French fairground
Reverse Text: "La Ducasse"
Publisher: M. Barré & J. Dayez, Paris; BD; 1531 N; Dépot légal 1956-4
Size: Modern
Not sent.

circus tent Picture: clown Charlie Rivel and generic illustration of a circus tent (advertising the Monaco circus festival before the inauguration of its permanent home at Chapiteau de Fontvieille)
Stamp and postmark (Monaco, 6 Nov 1980): "Festival International du Cirque, Monaco"
Publisher: Editions CEF, Nice
Type: Maximum Card
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Circus Pinder Picture: circus tent in a village in Alsace (?)
Front Text: inscription: "Cirque Marius"
Reverse Text: "Denis Bauquier (1951) - Le cirque sur la place, 1985. Collection Particulière"
Publisher: Galerie Braun; 1987
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Circus Pinder Front Text: "Panazol en Piste", inscription: "Cirque"
Reverse Text: "Panazol en piste. 'L'événément Cirque'. 4ème Edition - 14 au 25 oct. 1993. 'Redonner au cirque toute sa valeur culturelle'"
Publisher: Centre d'Animation Communale, Panazol; No. 00881
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Circus Pinder Front Text: "Les Jolicœurs"
Reverse Text: "Les Jolicœurs Saltimbanques, animations - spectacles, Bonimenteur, homme orchestre, briseur de chaînes, magiciens médiévaus, danseur sur échasses, dressese de rats; Le Château, 44390 Puceul"
Publisher: Editions de Châteaubriant, Châteaubriant
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Circus Front Text: "Europa, Le Cirque - Het Circus", inscription: "Circus"
Type: First Day Cover (Belgium, 4 May 2002)
Not sent.

Circus Front Text: "Europa FDC Cirkus"
Type: First Day Cover (Åland, 3 May 2002)
Not sent.

Les Baladins du Miroir Front Text: "les Baladins du Miroir. Théâtre forain. Belgique"
Reverse Text: "les Baladins du Miroir - Le songe d'une nuit d'été - Théâtre Forain à Aviggnon ! Les Baladins du Miroir, compagnie itinérante de la Communauté française de Belgique, réinvente un Shakespeare acrobatique et aérien. [...] u 9 au 31 juillet à 21h30 Relâche lundi et mardi sur l'île Piot [...]"
Publisher: les Baladins du Miroir
Type: Advertising Card, not intended for postal use
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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