
Itinerant dentists (tooth-pullers, arracheurs de dents, cavadenti, Zahnzieher/Bader) who usually performed their task on an elevated stage, which made the medical procedure also an attraction for viewers. Sometimes the procedure was accompanied by live music.

Link: Wikidata

Cavadenti Picture: tooth-puller in 18th-century Venezia
Reverse Text: "Il Cavadenti - P. Longhi. R. Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano"
Publisher: Z. Zacchetti, Milano
Type: 20th-century reproduction of an 18th-century painting by Pietro Longhi
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Cavadenti Picture: tooth-puller in 18th-century Venezia
Front Text: "La Odontología en el arte. Dentistas ambulantes. Il Cavadenti (Sacamuelas). Grabado de Fco. Magiotto"
Publisher: Antiséptico dental Donner, Barcelona; Serie IV, Núm. 4
Type: 20th-century reproduction of an 18th-century painting by Francesco Magiotto; see also Commons
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Arracheur de dents Reverse Text: "Paris - Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires. Affiche de cirque: La Fête au Village. No. 5: L'arracheur de dents. Bois coloré. Epinal, Pellerin, entre 1830 et 1840"
Publisher: Editions des musées nationaux; 1978
Type: modern postcard reproduction of a 1830s print
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Arracheur de dents Reverse Text: "Joquelet: Mon nom est Joquelet. C'est moi le grand dentiste.", poster: "Joquelet arracheur de dents, Irma Charmeuse de Serpents"
Publisher: AS; 755
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Arracheur de dents Front Text: "Les petits metiers parisiens. Le Dentiste en plein air."
Publisher: Chocolat Lombart, Paris
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Arracheur de dents Picture: tooth-puller at a German funfair
Front Text: "Gruss"
Publisher: ?; No. 102
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Ochtendung (Germany) to Berlin (Germany), 1900

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