Zaporizhzhia: Palac Kulturi im. Tarasa Shevchenka |
Country: Ukraine (Ukraina) City: Zaporizhzhia (Zaporozhye, Alexandrovsk) Location: Vulytsya Chevona 24 (Ulitsa Krasnaya 24) Palace of culture of the "Motor Sich" engine factory, named in honour of the Ukrainian poet, Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko (1814-1861). Links:, Wikidata |
Front Text: "Zaporizhzhia-250" Reverse Text: "Zaporizhzhia. Palac kulturi imeni T. G. Shevchenko 'Motor Sich'", "Do 250-richchya mista Zaporizhzhia, 1770-2020 rr." Publisher: EJ Studio Eugene July; 2020 Size: Modern Not sent. |
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