Simferopol: Dvorets Kultury Stroiteley Druzhba

Country: Ukraine (Ukraina)
De-facto regime: Crimea, annexed by Russia
City: Simferopol
Location: Vulytsya Kyivskaya 115

Construction Workers' House of Culture "Friendship", built 1984. Later renamed "Krymsky respublikansky Dvorets kultury profsoyuzov".

Links:, Wikidata

Simferopol: Dvorets Kultury Stroiteley Druzhba Front Text: "Simferopol"
Reverse Text: "Simferopol, Dvorets kultury stroiteley 'Druzhba'; Simferopol, Builders' Palace of Culture Druzhba"
Publisher: Plakat, Moskva; 1988
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Simferopol: Kinoteatr Myr / Dvorets Kultury Stroiteley Druzhba Picture: left: Kinoteatr Myr, right: Dvorets Kultury Stroiteley Druzhba
Reverse Text: "Simferopol, Kinoteatr 'Myr'. Palac Budvelnykiv. Simferopol. Kinoteatr 'Mir'. Dvorets Stroiteley."
Type: Souvenir Card, not designed for postal use
Size: 21.0 x 9.0 cm
Not sent.

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