Kyiv: Kostel Sviatoho Mykolaia

Country: Ukraine (Ukraina)
City: Kyiv (Kiev)
Location: Vulytsya Velika Vasilkivska 75

Roman Catholic cathedral of Saint Nicholas, built 1889-1909. Seized and closed by the Communist regime in the 1930s. From 1980, used as a concert hall. Since 1992 also used as a church again.

Link: Wikipedia

Kyiv: Kostel Sviatoho Mykolaia Front Text: "Kiev Kyiv", "Respublikansky budinok organnoi i kamernoi musiki. Kontsertny sal. Interer."
Reverse Text: "Respublikansky budinok organnoi i kamernoi musiki. Kontsertny sal. Interer."
Publisher: USSR Ministery, 1988
Type: postal card with printed stamp
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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