Dnipro: Palac Kulturi studentiv DNU |
Country: Ukraine (Ukraina) City: Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk, Dnepropetrovsk) Location: Soborna Plosha / Park Kultury im. T. Shevchenka Built 1787-1789 as a palace for Prince Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin-Tauricheski. Rebuildings in the mid 19th-century. Severely damage in World War II. 1952 rebuilding as a students' house of culture of Dnipro National University. From 1961 named after cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Link: Wikipedia |
Reverse Text: "Dnipropetrovsk. Palac kulturi studentiv im. Yu. O. Gagarina. Dnepropetrovsk. Dvorets kultury studentov im. Yu. A. Gagarina. Dneprapyatrousk. Palats kultury studentau imya Yu. A. Gagarina" Publisher: Radyanska Ukraina, Kyiv; BF 05992 2. VI. 1964 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Dnepropetrovsk" Reverse Text: "Dnepropetrovsk. Dvorets kultury studentov (bivshy Potemkinsky) v parke im. T. G. Shevchenko. Dnepropetrovsk. Student's Palace of Culture (formerly Potemkin's Palace) in the T. G. Shevchenko Park" Publisher: Panorama, Moskva; 1990 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "I ♥ Dnipro" Reverse Text: "Dnipro. Palac kulturi studentiv DNU (Potomkinsky palac). Dnepr. Dvorets kultury studentov DNU (Potyomsky dvorets). Dnipro. Palace of Culture of DNU Students (Potemkin Palace)." Publisher: EJ Studio Eugene July; 2021 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/7765 |