Ruma: Hrvatski Dom

Country: Serbia (Srbija)
City: Ruma
Location: Glavna Ulica / Ulica Vladimira Nazora

Culture and community centre of the Croatian population of Ruma. Built 1912 by Viktor Axmann for the local Croatian Sokol club, opened as "Hrvatski Dom" (Croatian House). During World War I used as a military hospital. Subsequently again used as a Croatian culture and community centre. In 1957 seized by the Yugoslav army, used by the army from 1958 and renamed "Dom Vojske" (Army House). Later purchased by the municipality of Ruma from the Serbian Army and again used as a cultural centre. 2021-2022 major renovation.

Links:, Wikipedia

Ruma: Hrvatski Dom Front Text: "Ruma - Ruma. Hrvatski Dom - Hrvatski Dom"
Publisher: ?; 265
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: by Austro-Hungarian forces' postal service, to Mlada Boleslav (Bohemia)

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