Niš: Narodno Pozorište

Country: Serbia (Srbija)
City: Niš
Location: Sinđelićev trg

National Theatre. Built by Vesvolod Tatarinov. 687 seats.

Links:, Wikipedia

Nis: Narodno Pozoriste Reverse Text: "Niš"
Publisher: Zadruzne knjige, Beograd; 3186
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Sent: from Niš to Zagreb, 1964

Nis: Narodno Pozoriste Reverse Text: "Niš, Pozorište"
Publisher: Knjizevne Novine, Beograd; 115
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Nis: Narodno Pozoriste Picture: right: theatre
Reverse Text: "Niš, Sinđelićev trg"
Publisher: Nip Kniževne Novine, Beograd; 190/310
Size: Modern
Sent: to Kovin, 1966

Nis: Narodno Pozoriste Picture: left: theatre
Reverse Text: "Niš, Sinđelićev trg"
Publisher: Foto-Tehnika, Zagreb
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Nis: Narodno Pozoriste Stamp (Serbia, 2012)
Text: "125 rodina Narodnoi pozoriša u Nishu"

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