Falun: Folkets Hus / Dalateatern |
Country: Sweden (Sverige) City: Falun Location: Teatergatan 1 Building complex consisting of a cultural centre and cinema "Folkets Hus" and the municipal theatre "Stadsteatern" (now operated as regional theatre named "Dalateatern"). Links: dalateatern.se, Wikpedia: Dalateatern |
Picture: left: Dalateatern, right: Folkets Hus Reverse Text: "Dalarna. Falun, Folkets Hus med Stadsteatern. Därlecarlia, Falun, The People's House and Theatre. Darlekarlien, Farlun, Volkshaus mit Stadttheater" Publisher: Hans Johanssons Agentur, Falun; Krüger Import Size: Modern Not sent. |
Permanent link: http://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/8527 |