Galați: Teatrul dramatic Fani Tardini |
Country: Romania (România) City: Galați Location: Strada Domnească 59 Drama theatre. 2000 renamed in honour of the Romanian opera singer, actress and theatrical manager, Fanny Tardini-Vladicescu (1823-1908). Links:, EUTA, Wikipedia |
Front Text: "Galați - Teatrul de stat" Reverse Text: "Republica Populară Romînă" Publisher: Combinatul Poligrafic Casa Seînteli Type: Real Photo Size: Classic Sent: from Galați to Iași, 1959 |
Reverse Text: "Galați - Teatrul de Stat - The State Theatre - Le Théâtre d'État - Das Staatstheater - Galach. Gosudarstvenny teatr." Publisher: Editura Meridiane; 7967 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Galați - Teatrul dramatic", inscription: "Teatrul dramatic" Publisher: Poșta Română; Cod 136/2002 Type: postal cover with printed stamp Size: 16.2 x 11.2 cm Not sent. |
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