Żnin: Kino Pałuczanin

Country: Poland (Polska)
Voivodship: Województwo Kujawsko-Pomorskie
City: Żnin (Znin)
Location: ulica Świętego Floriana 2

Built as "Kreis-Kulturstätte", a cultural centre with cinema. Later renamed "Kino Pałuczanin".

Links: fotopolska.eu, Wikidata

Znin: Kino Paluczanin Front Text: "Żnin"
Reverse Text: "Żnin, Widok ogólny. Rynek. Kino 'Pałuczanin'"
Publisher: Biuro Wydawniczo-Propagandowe; 21-Z-49/II, R46, VII-500/73/N
Size: Modern
Sent: from Gąsawa to Bernburg (Germany), 1974
Znin: Kino Paluczanin

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/3906