Wrocław: Teatr Lalek |
Country: Poland (Polska) Voivodship: Województwo Dolnośląskie City: Wrocław (Breslau) Location: Plac Teatralny 4 (Zwingerplatz) Built 1892-1894 by Blummer as a merchants' club house ("Haus des Vereins Christlicher Kaufleute"). 1905-1909 extension by Albert Grau. Since 1946 used as a puppet theatre. The building contains three theatre halls (250 seats, 80 seats and 60 seats). Links: www.teatrlalek.wroclaw.pl, Wikipedia |
Front Text: "Wrocław", inscription: "Teatr Lalek" Reverse Text: "Wrocław, Teatr Lalek. Breslau, Pupentheater. Wroclaw, Puppet Theatre" Publisher: Worldmedia; Z0279 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Permanent link: http://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/9045 |