Wrocław: Opera Wrocławska

Country: Poland (Polska)
Voivodship: Województwo Dolnośląskie
City: Wrocław (Breslau)
Location: ulica Świdnicka 35 (Schweidnitzer Straße)

[First theatre on the site built 1782 as "Stadttheater" by Carl Ferdinand Langhans, demolished ca. 1839. Second theatre built 1839-1841 by Carl Ferdinand Langhans, destroyed by a fire in 1865. Third theatre built 1865-1867 by Karl Johann B. Lüdecke, destroyed by a fire on 13 June 1871.]

Built 1871-1872 by Karl Schmidt as "Stadttheater" for the "Theater-Aktienverein Breslau" society. Opened 1 October 1872 with Schiller's "Wilhelm Tell". 1880 electrification. 1933 renamed "Opernhaus". 1934 and 1937 renewal of stage machinery. Re-opened 8 Sep 1945 as "Opera Dolnośląska" [Lower Silesian Opera] with Moniuszko's "Halka". Later renamed "Opera Wrocławska". Originally ca. 1750 seats; 1940: 1129 seats, today: 794 seats.

Links: www.opera.wroclaw.pl, Wikipedia

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Front Text: "Breslau, Stadttheater."
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Mährisch Ostrau (= Ostrava, Czech Republic) to Dunière (France), 1905

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Front Text: "Breslau - Stadttheater und Schweidnitzerstr."
Publisher: Kunst-Verl.-Ges.; Serie Breslau 1.
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Front Text: "Gruß aus Breslau - Stadttheater"
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Breslau to Peitz bei Cottbus, 1906

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Front Text: "Breslau - Stadttheater"
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Reverse Text: "Das schöne Breslau. Schweidnitzer Straße (van Hout)" [Oskar van Hout]
Publisher: Verlag von Wilh. Gottl. Korn, Breslau; Offizielle Karte des Verkehrs-Vereins Breslau e. V.
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Front Text: "Breslau - Opernhaus"
Publisher: Photo- u. Kunstverlag Bruno Scholz, Breslau; Nr. 948
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Breslau to Wien, 1940

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Front Text: "Breslau, Stadttheater"
Handwritten Reverse Text: dated 4 October 1944
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Reverse Text: "Wrocław, Opera"
Publisher: P.T.T.K., Z. W. Fotopam, Wrocław; 16-1248; KOAF 9-62; 16 X 64; S-11-229-63
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Reverse Text: "Wrocław, Opera, The Opera, L'Opéra; Vrotslav, Opera"
Publisher: Biuro Wydawnicze Ruch
Size: Modern
Sent: from Wroclaw to Volmarstein (Germany), 1963

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Reverse Text: "Wrocław, Gmach Opery"
Publisher: Biuro Wydawniczo Propagandowe
Size: Modern
Sent: from Wroclaw to Willich (Germany), 1974

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Picture: rear view
Reverse Text: "Wrocław, Opera, The Opera, L'Opéra, Vrotslav, Opera"
Publisher: Biuro Wydawnicze Ruch
Size: Modern
Sent: from Wroclaw to Kożuchów, 1986(?)

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Picture: rear view
Reverse Text: "Wrocław, Gmach Opery"
Publisher: Biuro Wydawnicze Ruch
Size: Modern
Sent: from Wroclaw to Nordwohlde (Germany), 1972

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Reverse Text: "Wrocław, Gmach Opery"
Publisher: Biuro Wydawniczo Propagandowe; 36-5828/II
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Reverse Text: "'Baba Jaga', Pierwsza Kawiarenka Tramwajowa w Polsce, od 15.06.1993 r. z zrekonstruowanym wagonem konnym nr 161 na zabytkowym przystanku przy pl. Teatralnym, czerwiec 1997, wagony muzealne. 'Alte Hexe', Erstes Trambahn-Café Polens, seit 15.06.1993, an der historischen Haltestelle am Zwingerplatz, mit rekonstruiertem Pferdebahnwagen Nr. 161, Juni 1997, Museumswagen"
Publisher: TBT Baba Jaga, Wrocław; 48005/97
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Text: "Opera Dolnośląska - Wrocław", "Nabucco Aida Trawiata Antygona Tosca Falstaff"
Publisher: Poczta Polska; VII 2004
Type: postal stationery with pre-printed stamp
Size: Modern
Not sent. Detail:
Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Front Text: "Wrocław"
Reverse Text: "Świdnicka street, Wrocław"
Publisher: House of Postcards; HoP1308
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Wroclaw: Opera Wroclaswska Front Text: "Wrocław"
Reverse Text: "Wrocław Opera, Breslau Opernhaus, Wroclaw Opera House"
Publisher: Worldmedia; Z021
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/613