Poznań: Arkadia

Country: Poland (Polska)
Voivodship: Województwo Wielkopolskie
City: Poznań (Posen)
Location: Plac Wolności (Wilhelmsplatz)

Built 1879 by Grüder for the city of Posen, replacing a previous theatre (built 1802-1804 by David Gilly). Opened 1 October 1879 as "Stadttheater" with Goethe's "Egmont". 1896 rebuilding. 1911 rebuilding, re-opened as concert hall and café "Arkadia". 1927-1939 used as a radio studio, later as retail space, restaurants and a casino. Since 1992, parts of the building are again used as a theatre by "Teatr Ósmego Dnia".

Links: Wikipedia

Poznan: Arkadia Front Text: "Posen, Wilhelmsplatz mit Stadttheater"
Publisher: Verlag von Rich. Schubert, Posen
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Posen to Coburg (Germany), 1901

Poznan: Arkadia Front Text: "Posen, Stadttheater"
Publisher: J. Themal, Posen; T x 326
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: by German Forces' Postal Service, from Posen to Kiedrich am Rhein (Germany), 1909

Poznan: Arkadia Front Text: "Posen, Wilhelmplatz, Café Arkadia"
Publisher: Photo B. Cichesz, Posen
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Sent: by German Forces' Postal Service, from Posen to Striegau/Schlesien (= Strzegom), 1943

Poznan: Arkadia Reverse Text: "Poznań - Plac Wolności 'Arkadia'"
Publisher: Biuro Wydawnicze Ruch; f 186/I
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/585