Łódz: YMCA

Country: Poland (Polska)
Voivodship: Województwo Łódzkie
City: Łódz
Location: Ulica Stanisława Moniuszki 4a

Youth community centre with a theatre hall, built 1930. 1964 renamed "Pałac Młodzieży im. Juliana Tuwima". After 1990 re-renamed "YMCA".

Links: Wikipedia: YMCA Łódz, Wikidata: Building

Lodz: YMCA Reverse Text: "Łódz, Pałac Młodzieży"
Publisher: Biuro Wydawnicze RUch
Size: Modern
Sent: from Łódz to Kielce, 1969

Permanent link: http://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/8207