Głogów: Teatr im. Andreasa Gryphiusa

Country: Poland (Polska)
Voivodship: Województwo Dolnośląskie
City: Głogów (Glogau)
Location: Rynek (Marktplatz)

Built 1774-1775 as "Redoutensaal über den Fleischbänken" by Karl von Machui for the city of Glogau. 1798-1799 rebuilding and extension by a second storey by Christian Valentin Schultze (ca. 200 seats), renamed "Komödienhaus". 1839-1840 interior rebuilding by Groß (ca. 750-800 seats). 1857 or 1859 exterior rebuilding. Renamed "Stadttheater". 1926-1928 major interior and interior rebuilding and renovations by Griesinger. 453 seats. Destroyed by fire during the siege of Glogów in 1945, with only the exterior remaining. After standing as a ruin for decades, the theatre was rebuilt 2017-2019. Named in honour of the German baroque poet, Andreas Gryphius (1616-1664).

Link: Wikipedia

Glogow: Teatr im. Andreasa Gryphiusa Front Text: "Glogau, Stadttheater"
Publisher: Gerhard Kutzner, Glogau
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: by German Forces' Postal Service to Irenenbrietzen, 1939

Glogow: Teatr im. Andreasa Gryphiusa Front Text: "Glogau, Stadttheater"
Publisher: Teco; 34
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/551