Évora: Teatro Garcia de Resende

Country: Portugal
City: Évora
Location: Rua do Teatro 10 / Praça Joaquim António de Aguiar

Built 1881-1892. Opened 1 June 1892. Named in honour of the Portuguese poet Garcia de Resende (c. 1470-1536).

Links: www.cendrev.com, Wikipedia

Evora: Teatro Garcia de Resende Front Text: "Évora", "Portugal"
Reverse Text: "Évora - Portugal, Teatro Gracia de Resende, Théâtre Garcia de Resende, Theatre Garcia de Resende"
Publisher: Áncora, Lisboa; 4706
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/3105