Lochem: Sport- en Cultureel Centrum 't Trefpunt, Gorssel

Country: Netherlands (Nederland)
Province: Gelderland
City: Lochem
Location: Gorssel; Molenweg 53-55

Culture and sports centre.

Links: www.trefpunt-gorssel.nl, Wikidata

Lochem: Sport- en Cultureel Centrum 't Trefpunt, Gorssel Reverse Text: "Sport- en Cultureel Centrum 't Trefpunt. Molenweg 53-55, 7213 XD Gorssel"
Publisher: Jos-Pé, Arnhem; 987
Size: Modern
Sent: to Naaldwyk, 1990

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/4191