Chișinău: Teatrul Național de Operă și Balet Maria Bieșu |
Country: Moldova City: Chișinău (Kishinev) Location: Bulevardul Ștefan cel Mare și Sfînt 152 National Opera and Ballet Theatre of Moldova, built 1980. Originally named in honour of the Russian poet, Alexander Pushkin (1799-1837). Later renamed in honour of the Moldovan soprano, Maria Bieșu (1935-2012). Links:, Wikipedia |
Front Text: "Chișinău" Reverse Text: "Chișinău, Teatrul adacemic de Stat de opera si balet 'A. S. Puskin'. Construit in anul 1980 - Rosudarstvenny akademichesky teatr opery i baleta imeni A. S. Pushkina, postroen v 1980 rodu - The A. S. Pushkin State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. Built in 1980" Publisher: Plakat, Moskva, 1990; 4899 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Teatrul de Opera si Balet - Teatr opery i baleta - Theatre of the Opera and Ballet" Publisher: I. S. 'Posta Moldovei', 2009; 251/09 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Chișinău. Teatrul academic de stat de opera si balet 'A.S. Puskin' din RSS., Kishinev, Moldavsky rosudarstvenny akademichesky teatr opery i baleta im. A. S. Pushkina, Kishinev, Moldavian State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after A. S. Pushkin." Publisher: ?; Photo by V. S. Gasparyants Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Opera Nationala - Nationalnaya opera - The National Opera Theatre" Publisher: Graficart Size: Modern Sent: from Moldova to Werdau (Germany), 2008 |
Postal Cover
Front Text: "50 de ani de la fondare - Teatrul National de Opera și Balet" Stamp Text: "1957-2007 Teatrul National de Opera &537;i Balet" Publisher: Intreprinderea de Stat 'Posta Moldovei'; 3091; 10/2007 Type: postal Cover with printed stamp Size: 16.3 x 11.4 cm Not sent. |
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