Vilnius: Lietuvos nacionalinis operos ir baleto teatras

Country: Lithuania (Lietuva)
City: Vilnius (Wilno, Wilna, Vilna)
Location: A. Vienuolis St. 1

Latvian State Opera and Ballet Theatre, built 1974 by Elena Nijole Buciute. Main Hall: 1132 seats, Chamber Hall: 250 seats.

Link:, Wikipedia

Vilnius: Lietuvos operos ir baleto teatras Reverse Text: "Vilnius. Valstybinis akademinis operos ir baleto teatras. - Vilnius. Gosudarstvenny akademichesky teatr opery i baleta. - Vilnius. Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. - Vilnius. Akademisches Opern- uind Balettheater"
Publisher: Mintis, Vilnius, 1976
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Vilnius: Lietuvos operos ir baleto teatras Reverse Text: "Vilnius. Operos ir baleto teatro rumai (archit. N. Buciute). - Vilnius. Teatr opery i baleta (architektor N. Buciute). - Vilnius. Opera and Ballet Theatre (architect N. Buciute). - Vilnius. Gebäude des Theaters für Oper und Ballett von N. Buciute"
Publisher: Mintis, Vilnius, 1976
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Vilnius: Lietuvos operos ir baleto teatras Reverse Text: "Vilnius, Valstybinis akademinis operos ir baleto teatras"
Publisher: USSR Ministery, 1979
Type: USSR postal card with printed stamp
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Vilnius: Lietuvos operos ir baleto teatras Reverse Text: "Vilnius. Foye Gosudarstvennovo akademicheskovo teatr opery i baleta. Vilnius. Foyer in the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre. Vilnius. Le foyer du théâtre d'opéras et de ballets"
Publisher: ?; 17110p
Size: 8.5 x 18.4 cm
Not sent.

Vilnius: Lietuvos operos ir baleto teatras Front Text: "Vilnius"
Reverse Text: "Lietuvos operos ir baleto teatras"
Publisher: Plakat, Moskva, 1990
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Vilnius: Lietuvos operos ir baleto teatras Front Text: "Vilnius"
Reverse Text: "Vilniaus Operos ir Baleto teatras. Pastatytas 1974m., Architekte Elena Buciute. - Vilnius Opera and Ballet Theatre. Built in 1974, architect Elena Buciute. - Wilenski Teatr Opery i Baletu. Zbudowany w 1974 roku, architekt Elena Buciute."
Publisher: Anvara, 2000
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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