Wiltz: Théâtre en plein air

Country: Luxembourg
City: Wiltz

Open-air theatre next to Wiltz Castle. Used by an annual theatre festival.

Links: www.festivalwiltz.lu, Wikipedia

Wiltz: Theatre en plein air Front Text: "Wiltz", "son théatre en plein air"
Publisher: F. D. C. Service, Luxembourg
Type: First Day Cover (Luxembourg, 13 Sep 1958)
Size: 16.5 x 9.2 cm
Not sent.

Wiltz: Theatre en plein air Reverse Text: "Wiltz - Le Château. Théâtre en plein air - Festival international de renom"
Publisher: Messageries Paul Kraus, Luxembourg; No. 366
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Wiltz: Theatre en plein air Reverse Text: "WILTZ 1. Vue génerale 2. Théâtre en plein air 3. Monument National de la Résistance 4. Château (12e Siècle)"
Publisher: Messageries Paul Kraus, Luxembourg
Size: Modern
Sent: from Wiltz to Pétange, 1978
Postmark ("Wiltz Festival de Théatre en plein ar Juillet - Août"):
Wiltz: Theatre en plein air

Wiltz: Theatre en plein air Reverse Text: "Festival Européen Wiltz 1953-2002"
Publisher: Joss Scheer / Impremerie Meyer, Bastogne
Type: Maximum Card
Size: Modern
Not sent.
Stamp (Luxembourg, 14 May 2002):
Wiltz: Theatre en plein air

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/443