Kumrovec: Dom Boraca

Country: Croatia (Hrvatska)
City: Kumrovec
Location: Cesta Lijepe Naše 6

"House of Resistance Fighters", built 1974 by Berislav Šerbetić and Ivan Filipčić for the communist regime as a cultural center, hotel, youth complex and political school and as a "memorial for World War II resistance fighters and the youth of Yugoslavia" in the home town of dictator Josip Broz Tito. Also known as "Spomen Dom" (Memorial House). The complex includes a conference hall that was also used as a cinema. Closed 1991.

Links: www.spomenikdatabase.org, Wikidata

Kumrovec: Dom Boraca Front Text: "Pozdrav iz Kumrovca"
Reverse Text: "Kumrovec.Dom boraca Narodno-oslobodilačkog rata i omladine Jugoslavije"
Type: Real Photo
Size: Modern
Sent: to Zagreb, 1974

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/7403