Tallinn: Sakala Keskus |
Country: Estonia (Eesti) City: Tallinn (Reval, Revel) Location: Built 1982-1985 by Raine Karp. Opened as "EKP Keskkomitee Politharidusmaja", a centre of communist political education. Nicknamed "Karla katedraal" [Karl's Cathedral after the politician Karl Vaino]. Later rnamed "Sakala Keskus" [Sakala Centre] used as a congress centre and as a cultural venue. Demolished in 2007, leaving only its tower to be incorporated in the new shopping mall "Solarise Keskus" [Solaris Centre]. Links: wiki.azw.at, Wikipedia |
Reverse Text: "Tallinn. Dom politiprosveshcheniya TsKKP Estonii. Tallinn. EKP Keskkomitee Politharidusmaja" Publisher: USSR Ministry; 1988 Type: postal card with printed stamp Size: Modern Not sent. |
Picture: same picture as above, but mirror-inverted Reverse Text: "Tallinn. Dom politiprosveshcheniya TsKKP Estonii. Tallinn. EKP Keskkomitee Politharidusmaja" Publisher: USSR Ministry; 1989 Type: postal card with printed stamp Size: Modern Not sent. |
Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/3972 |