Oviedo: Teatro Campoamor

Country: Spain (España)
Region: Asturias
City: Oviedo
Location: Calle 19 de Julio 1

Built 1883-1892 by Siro Borrajo Montenegro and José López Salaberry. Opened 17 Sep 1892 with Meyerbeer's opera "Les Huguenots". Named in honour of the Spanish poet, Ramón de Campoamor y Campoosorio (1817-1901). 1491 seats. Since 1981, venue of the annual "Premios Principe/Princesa de Asturias" award ceremony.

Links: www.teatrocampoamor.es, EUTA, Wikipedia

Oviedo: Teatro Campoamor Front Text: "Asturias - Teatro Compoamor - Oviedo"
Publisher: Bellmunt y Diaz
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Oviedo: Teatro Campoamor Reverse Text: "Oviedo. Jardines y Teatro Campoamor. Jardins et Téâtre Campoamor. The Campoamor Theatre and Gardens."
Publisher: Ediciones Arribas, Zaragoza; 2.003.
Size: Modern
Sent: from Oviedo to Camariñas, 1962

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/358