Murcia: Teatro Romea

Country: Spain (España)
Region: Murcia
City: Murcia
Location: Plaza de Julián Romea

Built 1862 by Diego Manuel Molina. Opened 25 Oct 1862 as "Teatro de los Infantes" with Ventura de la Vega's "El hombre del mundo", starring Julián Romea. 1868 renamed "Teatro de la Soberanía Popular". 1877 destroyed by a fire, subsequently rebuilt by Justo Millán Espinosa and re-opened 1880. 1899 again destroyed by a fire, subsequently rebuilt by Justo Millán Espinosa and re-opened 16 Feb 1901. 1980-1988 renovations. Currently named in honour of the Spanish actor, Julián Romea (1813-1868). 1179 seats.

Links:, Wikipedia

Murcia: Teatro Romea Front Text: "Murcia. Teatro de Romea"
Publisher: Fototipia Thomas, Barcelona; 1127
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Murcia: Teatro Romea Reverse Text: "Murcia. Plaza de Romea. Place de Romea. Romea square."
Publisher: A. Subirats Casanovas, Valencia; No. 10
Size: Modern
Sent: from Murcia to Maidstone (England), 1967

Murcia: Teatro Romea Front Text: "Murcia", inscription: "Teatro de Romea"
Reverse Text: "Murcia. Plaza de Julián Romea y Teatro Romea"
Publisher: Ediciones A.M.; MUM-AM 2670
Size: Modern
Sent: from Alicante to Boves (France), 2013

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