Ostrava: Divadlo Antonína Dvořáka

Country: Czech Republic (Česká Republika)
City: Ostrava (Mährisch-Ostrau)
Location: Smetanovo náměstí

Built 1905-1907 by Alexander Graf as "Stadttheater" for the city of Mährisch-Ostrau. Opened 28 September 1907 with Schubert's ouverture to "Rosamunde" and Schiller's "Wilhelm Tell". Until 1919, used by a German theatre company. Since 1919, used by the Czech company "Národní Divadlo Moravskoslezské" (National Moravian-Silesian Theatre). 1945 renamed "Zemské divadlo" (Provincial Theatre). 1949 renamed "Divadlo Zdeňka Nejedlého" in honour of the Czech musicologist, journalist, and politician, Zdeněk Nejedlý (1878-1962). 1954-1956 rebuilding with façade alteration. 1969-1971 extension by Ivo Klimes. 1990 renamed "Divadlo Antonína Dvořáka" in honour of the Czech composer, Antonín Dvořák (1841-1904). 1999-2000 renovations. Re-opened 31 Dec 2000. Originally 854 seats, today 531 seats.

Used for opera, ballet and drama performances by the resident "Národní Divadlo Moravskoslezské" companies.

Notable world premieres:

  • Václav Kaslík: Krakatit (20 May 1961)

Links: www.ndm.cz, EUTA, Wikipedia

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Front Text: "Mähr. Ostrau - Stadttheater"
Publisher: Verlag J. Buchsbaum's Buchhandlung, Oderfurt; 1913; Nr. 102
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Front Text: "Mähr.-Ostrau - Stadttheater"
Handwritten Reverse Text: dated 22 September 1919
Publisher: Verlag J. Buchsbaum, Oderfurt; 1917 - 101
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: to Nossen in Sachsen (Germany) [no postmark]

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Front Text: "Mor. Ostrava"
Reverse Text: "Městské divadlo. Stadttheater."
Publisher: Foto Wenzel; JGMO 1932/100
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Mor. Ostrava to Dordrecht (Netherlands), 1935

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Reverse Text: "Mähr. Ostrau - Stadttheater, Mor. Ostrava - Městské divadlo"
Publisher: S B
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Picture: after the 1954-1956 rebuilding
Front Text: inscription: "Divadlo Zdeňka Nejedlého"
Reverse Text: "Ostrava - Divadlo Zdeňka Nejedlého"
Publisher: Nakladatelství Orbis, Praha
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Front Text: inscription: "Divadlo Zdeňka Nejedlého"
Reverse Text: "Ostrava - Smetanovo náměstí s divadlem Z. Nejedlého - Ploshad im. B. Smetany c Teatrom im. Z. Neyedly - Der Smetana-Platz mit dem Z. Nejedlý-Theater - Smetana Square with the Z. Nejedlý Theatre - Place Smetana avec le théâtre Z. Nejedlý"
Publisher: Nakladatelství Orbis, Praha 20-70-232 B 812
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Front Text: inscription: "Divadlo Zdeňka Nejedlého"
Reverse Text: "Ostrava - Divadlo Zdeňka Nejedlého - Teatr im. Zdeneka Neyedly - Zdeněk-Nejedlý-Theater - Zdeněk Nejedlý Theatre - Théâtre Zdeněk Nejedlý"
Publisher: Nakladatelsví Press-Foto, Praha; SOm 1039/10 41619 07-07-75
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Front Text: "1919 1969 50 let Státní divadlo Ostrava"
Type: Matchbox Label (?)
Size: 3.4 x 4.3 cm

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Stamp (Czech Republic, 23 Nov 1994)
Text: "Ostrava"

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Front Text: "Ostrava"; inscription: "Divadlo Antonína Dvořáka"
Reverse Text: "Ostrava"
Publisher: Fotoatelier F. Reznicek, Ostrava
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Picture: after the 2000 restoration
Front Text: "Národní divadlo moravskoslezské Divadlo Antonína Dvořáka", "Ostrava"
Reverse Text: "Národní divadlo moravskoslezské Divadlo Antonína Dvořáka; Rekonstrukce a Pristavba / Cerven 1999 - Listopad 2000"
Publisher: Fotoatelier Frantisek Reznicek, Ostrava
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Ostrava: Divadlo Antonina Dvoraka Picture: above right: façade detail of the Puppet Theatre, above middle: Puppet Theatre
Front Text: "Ostrava"; inscription: "Divadlo Antonína Dvořáka"
Reverse Text: "Ostrava!!! Divadlo Antonína Dvořáka / detail Divadla loutek / Divadlo loutek / plastika Úsvit pred Domem umeni"
Size: Modern
Sent: from Ostrava to Ravensburg (Germany), 2012

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/276