Zürich: Corso-Theater

Country: Switzerland (Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizera)
Canton: Zürich
City: Zürich
Location: Theaterstrasse 10 / Bellevue

Built 1898-1900 by Hermann Stadler and Emil Usteri for Saalbaugesellschaft Zürich. Opened 17 Apr 1900. Used as a variety theatre. 1933-1934 major rebuilding by Ernst F. Burckhardt und Karl Knell (1300 seats). 1941 auditorium rebuilding by H. S. Herbst and Emilio Vollmer. 1947 converted into a cinema by Carl Winteler, reopened 1 Nov 1947 (750 seats). Subsequently only occasionally used for live theatre.

Notable world premieres:

  • Friedrich Dürrenmatt: Die Frist (6 Oct 1977)
  • Peter Reber: Keepsmiling (18 Sep 1982)

Links: www.kitag.com, TLS, Wikidata

Zuerich: Corso-Theater Front Text: "Zürich - Corsotheater"
Publisher: A.-G. Postkartenverlag Künzli, Zürich; Dep. No. 5837
Size: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Zürich to Madrid (Spain), 1902

Zuerich: Corso-Theater Front Text: "Zürich, Corsotheater"
Publisher: Lipps Kunstanstalt, Bern
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Affoltern am ALbis to Leuben bei Dresden (Germany), 1903

Zuerich: Corso-Theater Front Text: "Corso-Theater Zürich, Pächter C. Landolt", signed: Walty
Publisher: Lipps Kunstanstalt, Bern
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Zuerich: Corso-Theater Front Text: "Zürich. Theaterstraße, Corso.
Publisher: Verlag Wehrli A. G., Kilchberg-Zürich; 2039
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: to Lyon (France), 1912

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/211