Vitebsk: Kinateatr Kastrychnik

Country: Belarus
City: Vitebsk (Viciebsk)
Location: Vulitsa Kasmanaŭtŭ 2 (Ulitsa Kosmonavtov)

Opened 1958 as cinema "Kinateatr Kastrychnik" (Cinema October). 560 seats. Closed in the early 1990s. Later rebuilt and re-opened as "Dvorets Molodezhi" (Palace of Children and Youth Creativity).

Link: Wikidata

Vitebsk: Kinateatr Kastrychnik Reverse Text: "Vitsebsk. Kinateatr Kastrycnnik'."
Publisher: Dzyarzhaunayevidavetstva BSSR; AT 02759 1962 r.
Size: Modern
Not sent.

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