Minsk: Nacyanalny akademichny teatr imya Yanki Kupaly

Country: Belarus
City: Minsk
Location: vul. Engelsa 7

Built 1887-1890 as municipal theatre by Karol Kaslouski and Kanstanzin Uvjadsjensky. Opened 5 June 1890. Later renamed in honour of the Belarusian poet and dramaist, Yanka Kupala (1882-1942). 1958 rebuilding (removing the original facade). 2010 rebuilding (rebuilding the original facade). Used for drama performances.

Links: kupala-theatre.by, Wikipedia

Minsk: Teatr im. Kupaly Handwritten Reverse Text: "Minsk, Theater", dated 27 Nov 1918
Type: Real Photo (?), Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Minsk: Teatr im. Kupaly Reverse Text: "BSSR. Minsk. Belaruski dzyashauni akademichnii teatr imya Yanki Kupaly; BSSR, Minsk, Belorussky Gosudarstevenny akademichesky teatr im. Yanki Kupaly. BSSR. Minsk. Yanka Kupala Byelorussian State Academical Theatre"
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Minsk: Teatr im. Kupaly Stamp (Belarus, 1996)

Minsk: Teatr im. Kupaly Picture: actress Vera Nikolaevna Pollo (1901-1989) and theatre with the 1958 facade
Type: postal card with pre-printed stamp
Publisher: Belarusian Postal Ministery; 2001
Size: Modern
Not sent.
Minsk: Teatr im. Kupaly

Minsk: Teatr im. Kupaly Front Text: "Teatr imya Yanki Kupaly"
Reverse Text: "Minsk. Nationalny adaemichny teatr imya Yanki Kupaly; Minsk. Yanka Kupala National Academic Theatre"
Type: Maximum Card
Publisher: Belarusian Postal Ministery; Kod 573-15
Size: Modern
Not sent.
Detail (stamp, 14 Sep 2015):
Minsk: Teatr im. Kupaly

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/158