Minsk: Teatr opery i baleta |
Country: Belarus City: Minsk Location: pl. Parizhskoy Kommuny Built 1934-1939. Also known as "Bolshoi Teatr". Used for opera and ballet performances by the resident companies. Links: bolshoibelarus.by, Wikipedia |
Reverse Text: "Minsk, Vyaliki teatr opery i balety" Publisher: Drukariya im. Stalina, Minsk, 1957 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Minsk. Gosudarstvenny ordena Lenina akademichesky Bolshoi teatr opery i baleta BSSR. Minsk. Dzyarshauny akademichny Vyaliki Teatr opery i baleta BSSR. Minsk. Byelorussian State Bolshoi Theatre of Opera and Ballet" Publisher: Planeta, Moskva; 1970 Size: Classic Sent: from Minsk to Naunhof (Germany), 1971 |
Front Text: "Gorod-Geroi Minsk", "Belorussky gosudarstvenny ordena Lenina akademichesky Bloshoy teatr opery i baleta. Belaruski dzyarzhaunyordena Lenina akademichny Byaliki teatr opery i baleta" Publisher: USSR Ministery; 1974 Type: postal cover with printed stamp Size: 16.2 x 11.4 cm Not sent. |
Front Text: "g Minsk", "50 let gosudarstvennomu ordena Lenina akademicheskomu bolschomu teatru opery i baleta Belorusskoi SSR . 50 gadou Dzyarzhaunamu ordena Lenina akademichnamu Byalikamu teatru opery i baleta Belaruskay SSR" Postmark: "50 let gosudarsvennomu ordena lenina akademicheskomu bolshomu teatru opery i baleta belorusskoi SSR" (25 May 1983) Publisher: USSR Ministery; 1983 Type: postal cover with printed stamp Size: 16.2 x 11.3 cm Not sent. |
Reverse Text: "Minsk: Opera Lenina gosudarstvenny adkadmitsheskyj bolshoi teatr opery i baleta beloruskoi SSR" Publisher: USSR Ministery; 1983 Type: postal card with printed stamp Size: Modern Not sent. |
Banknote (Belarus, 100 Belaruski Rubel, 2000) Size: 15.2 x 7.0 cm |
Reverse Text: "Belorussky vosudarstvenny akademichesky teatr opery i baleta, pl. Parizhskoy Kommuny - Belarusian State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, Parizhskoy Kommuny Sq." Publisher: Belprint Type: souvenir card not originally designed for postal use Size: Classic Sent: from Konstanz (Germany) to Ludwigshafen am Rhein (Germany), 2002 |
Reverse Text: "Minsk, Natsyanalny akademichny Vyaliki teatr opery i baleta Resubliki Belarus (1934-1939 ), National Acaedmic Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus (1934-1939)" Publisher: Unipack Publish Size: Modern Sent: from Minsk to Ravensburg (Germany), 2004 |
Front Text: "National Academic Bolshoi Ballet and Oprah. Minsk" [sic!] Publisher: Cardsy.by Size: Modern Sent: from Minsk to Dresden (Germany), 2014 |
Reverse Text: "Minsk, Bolshoi teatr, Roman Fedosenko" Publisher: Lektorium; 2015; 4812929005808 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Front Text: "Minsk" Reverse Text: "Minsk. Natsionalny akademichesky Bolshoi teatr opery i baleta Respubliki Belarus. Minsk. The National Academic Grand Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus" Publisher: EJ Studio Eugene July; 2021 Size: Modern Not sent. |
Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/157 |