Homieĺ: Kinateatr im. Kalinina

Country: Belarus
City: Homieĺ (Gomel)
Location: vul. Kamunarau 4

Cinema, built as part of the "Hotel Savoy" complex. Opened 1911 as "Khudoshestvenny". 1919 renamed "1-i Sovetsky". 1923 renamed in honour of the Soviet politician, Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin (1875-1946). 1947 rebuilding.

Links: gomelkino.by, Wikidata

Homiel: Kinateatr im. Kalinina Reverse Text: "Gomel. Kinoteatr im. Kalinina."
Publisher: Lombinat izoproduktsii no. 1 RPP 9; M--33509 25_III-65
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Permanent link: http://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/8410