Pazardzhik: Teatar Konstantin Velichkov

Country: Bulgaria (Balgariya)
City: Pazardzhik
Location: ploshad Konstantin Velichkov 1

Drama and puppet theatre, named in honour of Konstantin Velichkov (1855-1907).

Links: Facebook, Wikipedia

Pazardzhik: Teatar Konstantin Velichkov Reverse Text: "Pazardzhik - Narodniyat Teatar 'K. Velichkov', Pazardzhik - Narodny teatr im. K. Velichkova, Pazardjik - le théâtre national 'K. Vélitchkov', Pasardshik - das Nationaltheater 'K. Welitschkow'"
Publisher: Fotoizdat Balgariya; D-8986-A J-3000 A-5 IP 87-12a/75
Size: Modern
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