Neulengbach: Blindenheim Unterdambach |
Country: Austria (Österreich) State: Niederösterreich City: Neulengbach Location: Unterdambach; Dambacher Straße Vacation home for the blind, including a concert hall (with a 1979 pipe organ by Walcker-Mayer). Also known as "Blindenpension Harmnie". Closed 2014 and converted into apartment blocks. Link: Wikidata |
Picture: left, below: concert hall Reverse Text: "Blindenpension 'Harmonie' der Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs. 3051 Unterdambach" Publisher: Photo Meyer KG, Wien; Nr. 5018 Size: Modern Sent: from St. Christophen to Baden bei Wien, 1987 |
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