Württ. Staatsoper Stuttgart production at the Edinburgh Festival, rec. at King's Theatre, Edinburgh, 1958-09-03
Cast: Fritz Wunderlich (Baron Kronthal), Karl Schmitt-Walter
(Graf von Eberbach), Hetty Plümacher (Gräfin von Eberbach), Lore Wissmann (Baronin Freimann), Sieglinde Kahmann (Nanette), Fritz Linke (Baculus), Friederike Sailer (Gretchen),
Hubert Buchta (Pancratius), children of the Scottisch Ballet School, members of the Choir of St. Mary's Chathedral, Palmerston Place; Chor der Württ. Staatsoper Stuttgart, Württembergisches Staatsorchester Stuttgart, cond. Ferdinand Leitner
Claudius Adam, 2001-02-11: "A charming recording, mainly due to the cast. Karl-Schmitt-Walther and
Wunderlich are delightful in the billard scene. Of great historical value." [comment submitted to this web site, translated by AP]
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