"New version 1951". BR video recording. Sound rec. at Herkulessaal, Residenz, Munich, 1963-01-21 - 1963-01-26. Filming in playback method 1963-09-09 - 1963-09-11.
Cast: Fritz Wunderlich (Ferdinand), Ernst Gutstein (Columbus), Lia Montoya (Isabella), Hans-Herbert Fiedler (1. Rat), Willy Ferenz (2. Rat), Wolfgang Anheisser (3. Rat), Max Proebstl (Mönch), Georg Pappas (Herold), Friedrich Lenz (Vorsänger), Romuald Pekny (1. Sprecher), Rolf Boysen (2. Sprecher), Hans Stein, Karl Hanft, Eduard Linkers (Auswanderer), Wolfried Lier, Til Kiwe, Sigurd Fitzek, Walter Holton (4 Soldaten), Peter Eschberg (Herold), BR Choir, RSO Munich, cond. Werner Egk
Claudius Adam, 2001-02-11: "In this recording from 1963, Wunderlich is already
on his way to a full development of his vocal abilites. In his acting, the great influence of Günter
Rennert is evident. A very beautiful recording, unfortunately filmed in playback method, but of great
historical value." [comment submitted to this web site, translated by AP]
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