Werner Pfister: "Fritz Wunderlich - Eine Biographie"
78 s/w photos and 13 colour photos on plates, 29 text illustrations
German, Hardcover, Schweizer Verlagshaus Zurich, 1990
ISBN 3-7263-6612-1
- Deutsche Bibliothek Frankfurt: D 90/43980
- British Library, London: YA.1994.b.3530
- Library of Congress, Wahsington D. C.: LC Call No. ML420.W84P4 1990; Dewey No. 782.1/092 B 20
- Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris: FRBNF35337649
German, Paperback, 416 pages, Piper Munich/Schott Mainz, 1993
First edition: ISBN 3-492-18309-3 (Piper) - ISBN 3-7975-8309-7 (Schott)
New edition of 2005: ISBN 3-7957-0536-3 (with CD)
A very detailed biography which I recommend to every Wunderlich fan. The photographs, discography (mostly LP until 1990) and casting lists surely
are interesting even if you do not understand German. (Andreas Praefcke)
Nigel Douglas: "Legendary Voices"
"There's a temptation to look at opera solely through the performances of our own time, and to forget the contributions of artists from an earlier
era. (It can be equally tempting to conclude that great singing ended with the retirements of the singers we heard in our respective youths, but that's
a different pathology.) Nigel Douglas takes an illuminating look at 14 great singers of the past, with a discussion of each, anecdotes, and compact
disc recommendations." - Editor's Recommended Book (from "Classical Music and Scores", 97-01-04)
"Legendary Voices is a wonderfully readable account of the lives and careers of fourteen of this century's greatest singers, along with a critical evaluation
of their recorded works, which are available for the first time on CD. Nigel Douglas (a British tenor and producer of more than two hundred programs
on opera and operetta for the BBC) brings to Legendary Voices not only the unrivaled knowledge of the professional but the irrepressible enthusiast
of the aficionado. From Jussi Bjoerling to Rosa Ponselle, from Ezio Pinza to Kirsten Flagstad, most of these great singers seem to have led more
extraordinary lives than the glamorous characters they immortalized on the stage. Not that their beginnings were always auspicious: Caruso's singing
teacher told hm his voice sounded like "the wind whistling through a window"; Lotte Lehman was expelled from music school for failure to profit from
instruction. Nor were their endings always happy: Luisa Tetrazzini ("I am old, I am fat, I am ugly - but I am still Tetrazinni") died in poverty,
and Fritz Wunderlich in a tragic accident at the age of thirty-five. Full of wonderful anecdotes, Legendary Voices is also a mine of information
about the range and quality of the newly available CDs, a book readers will turn to for advice as well as entertainment." (Midwest Book Review)
Other publications
Bockstiegel, Heiko:
"Ein Oberpfälzer als Botschafter Berliner Geistes und Musiklebens - Karl Forster (1904-1963) und der Chor der St. Hedwigs-Kathedrale Berlin"
229 p., many pictures, with a discography of Forster's radio and gramophone recordings
Theodor Thoben, Quakenbrück, 2000, ISBN 3-921176-90-5.
Decker, Marianne:
"Fritz Wunderlich - Mein Bruder und ich"
photocopied text, Fritz-Wunderlich-Gesellschaft e. V., 66869 Kusel, Germany
Fischer, Jens Malte:
"Große Stimmen - Von E. Caruso bis J. Norman"
Hardcover, J.B.Metzler, Stuttgart, 1993, ISBN 3-476-00893-2
Paperback, st 2484, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/Main, 1995, ISBN 3-518-38984-X
Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich:
"Nachklang - Ansichten und Erinnerungen"
Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart, 1987, ISBN 3-421-06368-0
"Reverberations: the memoirs of DFD"
translated into English by Ruth Hein, 1989, ISBN 0-88064-137-1
Giesen, Hubert: "Am Flügel: Hubert Giesen - Meine Lebenserinnerungen"
S. Fischer, Frankfurt/Main, 1972, ISBN 3-10-029401 (no longer available)
Hunt, John:
"Tenors in a lyric Tradition - Peter Anders, Walther Ludwig,
Fritz Wunderlich"
3 separate discographies in one volume, 281 p. (Wunderlich: 108 p.)
John Hunt, 1996, ISBN 0-9525827-7-5
(available from John Hunt, Flat 6, 37 Chester Way, London SE11 4UR, or from
Kesting, Jürgen:
"Die großen Sänger unseres Jahrhunderts"
ECON Verlag, Düsseldorf, Vienna, New York, Moscow, 1993, ISBN 3-430-15389-1
Laudy, Loek:
"Fritz Wunderlich - Die Interviews"
book and cassette, Laudy/Eigenverlag, Swagemakerstraat 37,
6372 BS Landgraaf, The Netherlands
Prey, Hermann:
Kindler, Munich, 1981, ISBN 3-463-00821-1 (no longer
"First Night Fever"
translated into English by Andrew Shackelton, London: J. Calder; New York: Riverrun Press, 1986.
288 p., ISBN 0-7145-3998-8
(LCCN 86-6491 MN)
There is also a paperback edition.
Scharf, Fred:
"Fritz Wunderlich zur Erinnerung"
Verzeichnis seiner Rundfunk- und Schallplattenaufnahmen
1st edition: 144 p., Eigenverlag, Stockelsdorf, 1987 (no longer available)
2nd edition: ? p., Eigenverlag, Stockelsdorf, 1990 (no longer available)
3rd edidion: ? p., Eigenverlag, Stockelsdorf, 2002 (?)
Schwaiger, Egloff:
"Warum der Applaus - Berühmte Interpreten über ihre Musik"
Ehrenwirth, Munich, 1968, Ehrenwirth-Nr. 1285 (no longer available)
There is a Japanese Translation.
Steane, John:
"The Grand Tradition"
Duckworth, London, 1974
If you know any books or magazine issues that contain notable information
about Fritz Wunderlich, please send me bibliographical information as well
as, if possible, the text passages. Thanks in advance!
Andreas Praefcke, 1998.
Fritz Wunderlich Homepage