My classical records collection list

Bach, Johann Christian (1735-1782)

Beck, Franz Ignaz (1734-1809)

Beer, Johann Joseph (1774-1811)

Blasius, Matthäus (Frédéric) (1758-1829)

Cannabich, Christian (1731-1798)

Danzi, Franz (1763-1826)

Danzi, Maria Margarethe (1768-1800)

Demar, Johann Sebastian (1763-1832)

Dimmler, Fanz Anton (1753-1827)

Fiala, Joseph (1748-1816)

Filtz, Anton (ca.1730-1760)

Fuchs, Georg Friedrich (1752-1821)

Hoffmeister, Franz Anton (1754-1812)

Holzbauer, Ignaz Jakob (1711-1783)

Lebrun, Franziska (geb. Danzi) (1756-1791)

Richter, Franz Xaver (1709-1789)

Stamitz, Carl Philipp (1745-1801)

Stamitz, Johann Wenzel Anton (1717-1757)

Tausch, Franz (1762-1817)

Toeschi, Carl Joseph (1731/32-1788)

Vogler, Abbé Georg Joseph (1749-1814)

Wendling, Johann Baptist (1723-1797)

Winter, Peter von (1754-1825)

This list contains works of composers who composed for the Mannheim court, its orchestra and its opera company or are otherwise connected with the "Mannheimer Schule". For the obvious reason of better practicability, works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are not listed here.


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