Buenos Aires: Teatro Gran Rex

Country: Argentina
Province: Distrito Federal
City: Buenos Aires
Location: Avenida Corrientes 857

Theatre and cinema, built 1937 by Alberto Prebisch. Opened 8 July 1937. 3262 seats.

Links: www.teatro-granrex.com.ar, CinemaTreasures, Wikipedia

Buenos Aires: Teatro Gran Rex Front Text: inscription: "Gran Rex"
Reverse Text: "Av. Corrientes y Cine Gran Rex. Buenos Aires, Argentina"
Publisher: Postales de America, Buenos Aires; No. 515
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Buenos Aires: Teatro Gran Rex / cinemas in Avenida Corrientes Picture: signs of various cinemas in Avenida Corrientes (left: Gran Rex, right: Opera)
Front Text: "Avenida Corrientes, Buenos Aires"
Size: Modern
Sent: from Argentina to Budapest (Hungary), 1961

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/7519