Pavia: Teatro Fraschini

Country: Italy (Italia)
Region: Lombardia
City: Pavia
Location: Corso Strada Nuova 136

Built 1772-1773 as "Teatro dei Quattro Cavalieri" by Antonio Galli Bibiena for four local noblemen (Francesco Gambarana Beccaria, Marquis Pio Bellisomi, Marquis Luigi Bellingeri Provera, Count Giuseppe Giorgi di Vistarino). Opened 24 May 1773 with the world premiere of Josef Myslivecek's "Il Demetrio". Alterations in the 19th and 20th centuries. Since 1869, operated as a municipal theatre. 1869 renamed in honout of the Pavia-born tenor, Gaetano Fraschini (1816-1887). Used for regular seasons of opera, operetta, ballet and drama performances, and for concerts.

Link:, Wikipedia

Pavia: Teatro Fraschini Reverse Text: "E.N.A.L. - E.P.T. - VIII Festival International et VI Trophée Mondial de l'Accordeon - Pavie (Italie) - 6-7-8-9- Septembre 1956" [8. International Accordeon Festival and 6. World Trophy 1956]
Handwritten Front Text: pointing to a cross marking the postcard writer's seat
Handwritten Reverse Text: "In diesem Theater fanden Wertungsspiel und Konzert statt." [In this theatre, the competition and the concert took place.] Size: Modern
Not sent.

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