Legnago: Teatro Salieri

Country: Italy (Italia)
Region: Veneto
City: Legnago
Location: Via XX Settembre 26

Built 1911-1915 to plans by Vittorio Bressan e Benvenuto Maggioni, not finished due to World War I. Works resumed in 1925. Partially opened as a movie theatre. 1941 interior and facade designs by Luigi Piccinato, a project that was not completed due to World War II. Theatre completed after World War II. Opened as a theatre 15 Sep 1956. Named in honour of the Italian composer, Antonio Salieri (1750-1825). 1989-1999 renovations by Luciano Cenna. Reopened 13 Feb 1999.

Links: www.teatrosalieri.it, Wikipedia

Legnago: Teatro Salieri Front Text: "Legnago"
Reverse Text: "Legnago - Teatro Salieri"
Publisher: New Graphic Canzaroli & C.; LE 4
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Legnago: Teatro Salieri (project) Picture: facade project by Luigi Piccinato that was never built
Reverse Text: "Luigi Piccinato, Legnago 1899-Roma 1983, archiutetto e urbanisto. Studio per il prospetto del Teatro Salieri, 1941, disegno acquerellato" - "il Teatro Ritrovato"
Publisher: Nuoviorizzonti, Legnago; 1999
Size: Modern
Not sent.
Detail: (postmark, 15 May 1999)
Legnago: Teatro Salieri (project)

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/2347