München: Münchner Volkstheater (IV)

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Bayern
City: München
Location: Brienner Straße 50 / Stiglmaierplatz

[The first "Münchner Volkstheater" opened 1890 in the "Westendhalle" in Sonnenstraße. The next "Münchner Volkstheater" opened 1903 in Josephspitalstraße. 1959 a "Münchner Volksheater" opened in the "Hotel Sonnenhof" in Sonnenstraße 22-23.]

Built 1983 by converting the 1950s multi-purpose hall in the "Haus des Sports" into a theatre. 609 seats. Closed 2020. [The company moved to a new home in Tumblingerstraße.]

Link: www.muenchner-volkstheater.de

Muenchen: 5 theatres Picture: above left: Münchner Volkstheater, above right: Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz, below left: Residenztheater, below right: Nationaltheater (stage entrance), middle: Münchner Kammerspiele
Reverse Text: advertising student subscriptions by Theaterjugendring München
Publisher: Theaterjugendring München
Size: 21 x 9.7 cm
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/2044