Konstanz: Stadttheater

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Baden-Württemberg
District: Landkreis Konstanz
City: Konstanz
Location: Konzilstraße 11 / Theatergasse

Built 1609 as a Jesuite school, including a school theatre. 1934-1935 major exterior and interior rebuilding. 1973 major renovations. 2003 roof rebuilding. Used for drama performances by the resident "Theater Konstanz" company. Ca. 400 seats.

Notable world premieres:

  • Carl Zuckmayer: Barbara Blomberg (30 Apr 1949)
  • Thomas Strittmatter: Der Polenweiher (15 Jan 1984)
  • Fitzgerald Kusz: Burning Love (13 Oct 1984)

Links: www.theaterkonstanz.de, Wikipedia

Konstanz: Stadttheater Picture: left: Christuskirche (former Jesuite church), centre: Stadttheater before the 1934 rebuilding, right: Konradihaus
Front Text: "Konstanz"
Publisher: Gebr. Metz, Tübingen; 30560; 1904
Type: Undivided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Konstanz to Krefeld, 1905

Konstanz: Stadttheater Picture: Stadttheater before the 1934 rebuilding
Front Text: "Konstanz Stadttheater"
Publisher: ?; Serie 804, No. 19
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Konstanz: Stadttheater Picture: left: Christuskirche, right: Stadttheater after the 1934 rebuilding
Front Text: "Konstanz - Theater und altkahtolische Kirche"
Publisher: Kleinfoto u. Ansichtskarten-Verlag R. Oschmann, Konstanz
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/1959