Darmstadt: Landestheater - Kleines Haus

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Hessen
City: Darmstadt
Location: Birnengarten / Alexanderstraße

Built as a riding school. 1670 converted into a theatre and renamed "Comoedienhaus". 1709-1710 rebuilding. Re-opened 17 Feb 1711 as an opera house. Later used as small stage of the Landestheater company. Destroyed in World War II (?). Currently the site is occupied by university buildings.

Link: Wikidata

Darmstadt: Landestheater - Kleines Haus Front Text: "Darmstadt, Kleines Haus, Hessisches Landestheater"
Publisher: Trinks & Co., Leipzig; E. St. 15
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Darmstadt: Landestheater - Kleines Haus Reverse Text: "Darmstadt, Portal des alten Theaters"
Publisher: Verlag von Zeller & Vogel, Darmstadt; Serie Darmstädter Architekturen; 1907
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Darmstadt to Frankfurt am Main, 1918

Permanent link: https://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/id/2548