Berlin: Volksbühne

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Berlin
City: Berlin
Location: Mitte, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz (formerly: Bülowplatz)

Built 1913-1914 by Oskar Kaufmann for "Neue Freie Volksbühne e. V." on the site of the demolished "Scheunenviertel" quarter. Opened 30 December 1914 with a prologue by Julius Bab, and Bjørnson's comedy "Wenn der junge Wein blüht". 1933-1945 part of the Nazi "Kraft durch Freude" programme (name changed to "Theater am Horst-Wessel-Platz"). 1939 installation of "state boxes" by Paul Baumgarten. Stagehouse destroyed by bombs on 20 Nov 1943. Remaining parts destroyed by a fire in April 1945. 1953-1954 rebuilding in simplified forms (without the original roof and without the original sculptoral decoration) by Architektenkollektiv Hans Richter. Re-opened 21 Apr 1954 with Schiller's "Wilhelm Tell". 1956 installation of the studio stage "Theater im 3. Stock" in the third floor. 1972 auditorium reconstruction. Originally 1968 seats, 1954: 1174 seats, today: 820 seats.

Notable world premieres:

  • Georg Reicke: Blutopfer (14 Dec 1917)
  • Leonid Adrejew: König Hunger (28 Feb 1924)
  • Alfons Paquet: Fahnen (26 May 1924)
  • Rudolf Leonhard: Segel am Horizont(14 Mar 1925)
  • Anatoli W. Lunatsharsky: Der befreite Don Quichote (27 Nov 1925)
  • Alfons Paquet: Sturmflut (20 Feb 1926)
  • Paul Zech: Das trunkene Schiff (21 May 1926)
  • Fritz Stavenhagen. Der dütsche Michel (17 Juni 1926)
  • Ehm Welt: Gewitter über Gotland (23 Mar 1927)
  • Peter Hacks: Moritz Tassow (5 Oct 1965)
  • Heiner Müller: Die Schlacht (30 Oct 1975)
  • Heiner Müller: Die Bauern (30 May 1976)
  • Heiner Müller: Der Auftrag (13 Nov 1980)

Links:, EUTA, Wikipedia

Berlin: Volksbuehne Front Text: "Berlin, Volksbühne"
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Sent: from Berlin to Erfurt, 1927

Berlin: Volksbuehne Front Text: "Zuschauerraum der Volksbühne, Berlin"
Publisher: Postkartenvertrieb W. Sanke, Berlin
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Berlin: Volksbuehne Front Text: "Umgang und Erfrischungsraum in der Volksbühne, Berlin"
Publisher: Postkartenvertrieb W. Sanke, Berlin
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Berlin: Volksbuehne Front Text: "Berlin, Volksbühne Theater am Bülowplatz", inscription: "Die Kunst dem Volke" [The Art to the People]
Publisher: Verlag Gustav Mannel, Berlin; 403
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Sent: from Berlin to Travemünde, 1933

Berlin: Volksbuehne Front Text: "Berlin, Volksbühne und Horst Wessel-Platz", inscriptions: "Volksbühne", "Die Kunst dem Volke"
Reverse Text: "Berlin, Volksbühne et Place Horst Wessel; Berlin. The Volksbühne and the Horst Wessel Platz"
Publisher: Verlag Ferd. Ashelm, Berlin; 8906 24
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Berlin: Volksbuehne Reverse Text: "Berlin, Theater des Volkes"
Publisher: VEB Volkskunstverlag, Reichenbach i. V.; Nr. 313; A 246/54/DDR III/18/97
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Berlin: Volksbuehne Front Text: inscription: "Volksbühne"
Reverse Text: "Berlin, Volksbühne"
Publisher: VEB Volkskunstverlag, Reichenbach i. V.; A 246/54/DDR 57/974/4100
Type: Real Photo
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Berlin: Volksbuehne Picture: Volksbühne logo sculpture on Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz and Volksbühne
Front Text: inscription: "Volksbühne"
Reverse Text: "Berlin-Mitte, Volksbühne"
Publisher: Martin Wulf; 1-05
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Berlin: Volksbuehne Front Text: inscriptions: "Ost", "Volksbühne", Banner: "Pfusch"
Reverse Text: "Theater in Berlin"
Publisher: art postal, Wien; 2018; S3/10 Rue des Martyrs, F. Dehner
Size: Modern
Not sent.

Berlin: Volksbuehne Front Text: "Berlin Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz", inscription: "Ost"
Publisher: S-Wert, Berlin; 4260698240515
Size: Modern
Not sent.

For other postcards of this theatre, see Berlin: Cards showing various theatres.

Permanent link: