Berlin: Berliner Theater

Country: Germany (Deutschland)
State: Berlin
City: Berlin
Location: Kreuzberg, Charlottenstraße 90/92

Built 1850 as "Zirkus Renz". 1852 rebuilding for Rudolf Cerf. Opened 14 Oct 1852 as "Neues Königstädtisches Theater". 1854 renamed "Spezialitäten-Theater". 1869 rebuilding for Friedrich Gottlieb Großkopf. Re-opened 1869 as "Walhalla-Volks-Theater". 1881 renamed "Walhalla-Theater". 1883 renamed "Walhalla-Operetten-Theater". 1888 major rebuilding by Schnitzer for Ludwig Barnay. Mainly used for comedy performances, occasionally also used for opera performances. Re-opened 1888 as "Berliner Theater" with Schiller's "Demetrius" (edited by Laube). Since 1910, mainly used for operetta performances. 1933-1935 home to the "Theater des Jüdischen Kulturbunds" company that provided the only work opportunity for many Jewish artists in the early Nazi years. Perfidiously, the Nazi government did not allow the theatre to admit non-Jewish patrons, and even reviews of the performances were only allowed in special Jewish newspapers not available to the general public. Closed 1935 due to safety concerns. Demolished 1935 in favour of a parking lot.

[In 1935, the "Theater des Jüdischen Kulturbunds" company moved to the "Theater in der Kommandantenstraße". In 1937, the theatre was closed and dispossessed by the Nazi government.]

[NB: This theatre is not identical to the "Königstädtisches Theater" (1824-1851) at Alexanderplatz, the "Königstädtisches Vaudeville-Theater" (1855-1858), later known as "Königstädtisches Theater" (1872-1874, again 1878-1879) in Blumenstraße, the "Königstädtisches Theater" (1869-1870) in Greifswalder Straße, or the "Königstädtisches Theater" (1884-18??) in Alexanderstraße. Neither is it identical to the "Zirkus Renz" (1879-) or the "Walhalla-Theater" (1888-1???).]

Notable world premieres:

  • Richard Genée: Die Piraten (9 Nov 1886)
  • August Strindberg: Gustaf Adolf (4 Dec 1903)
  • Walter Kollo: Große Rosinen (31 Dec 1911)
  • Walter Kollo: Filmzauber (19 Oct 1912)
  • Walter Kollo: Wie einst im Mai (4 Oct 1913)
  • Walter Kollo: Drei alte Schachteln (23 Feb 1918)
  • Oscar Straus: Der letzte Walzer (12 Feb 1920)
  • Leo Fall: Madame Pompadour (9 Sep 1922)
  • Robert Stolz: Mädi (1 Apr 1923)

Link: Wikipedia

Berlin: Berliner Theater Front Text: "Berlin, Berliner Theater", inscription: "Berliner Theater"
Publisher: L. Saalfeld, Berlin; 941
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

Berlin: Berliner Theater Front Text: "Berliner Theater"
Reverse Text: "Briefmarken Werbeschau RdP"; with a photo of the "Historische Mühle" windmill in Potsdam
Publisher: Verein der Briefmarkensammler zu Potsdam e. V. gegr. 1904 in R. d. Ph., Potsdam; 3524-28
Type: Divided Back
Size: Classic
Not sent.

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